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Demons at work. Cartoon by the late Jack Gibson.

Are corporations a form of cancer?

If corporations aren’t demons then maybe they are cancers. Personally, I think they are demons. As I’ve noted before, they tick most of the boxes to qualify. They are effectively immortal. They possess people – making those people act evilly in ways they wouldn’t dream of acting if they weren’t possessed. Corporations torment people as a matter of course and don’t hesitate to harm any other living creatures and the Earth itself in pursuit of their abstract goal. If corporations are answerable to some grand boss “devil” then the head honcho of the hell they create…

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Those demonic corporations . . .

IN the excellent 2003 documentary The Corporation, the film-makers start from the premise that corporations have been granted most of the same rights under the law as individuals are supposed to enjoy, then ask what kind of individuals their behaviours reveal them to be. Sociopathic, seems to have been the main diagnosis, and it’s easy to see why. I’ve often thought that somebody ought to create a comprehensive index of the misdeeds of the multiplicity of corporations that increasingly rule all aspects of our lives. Any time you were interested in a particular corporation you could…

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