© 2018 Greg & Sylvia RAY

James Fletcher, by Dulcie Hartley. Chapter 4

My late friend and amateur historian Dulcie Hartley published several books during her lifetime, but one book she was very proud of never made it into print. This was her book about James Fletcher, Newcastle's famous "miners' advocate" - the only man in the city to be commemorated with a statue. Miner, politician and newspaper proprietor, Fletcher was immensely popular and influential, and Dulcie was fascinated by him. After Dulcie's death, her daughter Venessa entrusted me with the manuscript, and I have slowly transcribed it. Member for Newcastle From the early days of James Fletcher’s involvement…

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Unlearned observations on the law

Comment by Greg Ray Far be it from me to criticise the Australian justice and law enforcement systems. Mainly because I wouldn’t want to be sued for defamation if somebody chose to take personally any criticism I might make. The most I will do is observe that I am sometimes quite intrigued by things that occur in the twin realms of law enforcement and justice; things that lead me to ponder what implications might flow for other situations in future. In recent times I’ve been moved to such pondering by a variety of instances and last…

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Lest we forget, war is horrific

ANZAC Day seems a good time to observe, again, how trends in international relations in 2023 appear to resemble those of a hundred years ago. Just as in 1914, some people with an eye to history were looking back a century to Napoleon and Waterloo, we too can cast a backwards glance and be dismayed at what we see. Today we find ourselves once again apparently being pushed by the tides of politics and economics into what could be another incredibly destructive war. If you read a little about the lead-up to World War 1 you…

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