© 2018 Greg & Sylvia RAY

What’s in a name, and a coat of arms?

WHAT’S in a name? A fair bit, according to my 1904 copy of the Atlas and Cyclopedia of Ireland, a bulky tome that graces my bookshelf. View the book's index to names, coats of arms and mottoes by clicking here. This book’s greatest feature is the colour plates in the front depicting the coats of arms of “the leading Irish families”. A few pages later are the mottoes - where applicable - translated from Latin inscriptions on the coats of arms. Many familiar names pop up in these pages. Ludicrous Lion from Living Island (left), Australian…

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How to destroy an economy and create a recession: a beginner’s guide

So you want to wreck an economy and cause a recession? Well fair enough. It’s good to have a dream. But wrecking an economy can take years, so if that’s really your goal you might have to resign yourself to working as part of a team and chiselling away at a small area at a time, setting things up so that when conditions are right, the economy you have in your sights will be ready to collapse in a cloud of dust. Fortunately you will always have lots of people ready and willing to help in…

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Time to wake up, Australia

While Australia was sleeping this month, dreaming of new coalmines for tax-dodging multinational corporations based in overseas tax havens and of government-subsidised tax-free gas-fields for political party donors, a few things happened. Carbon dioxide levels in Earth’s atmosphere hit their highest in recorded human history, Antarctica experienced a new record hot day and a massive iceberg broke off an Antarctic glacier – prompting one scientist to remark that: “What you are looking at is both terrifying and beautiful”. Yes, these can feel like terrifying times, despite exhortations from Australia’s truth-proof political leadership to avoid anxiety and…

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