© 2018 Greg & Sylvia RAY

A Paterson River incident: when the Guthrey ran aground.

For a number of years early last century, riverboat excursions from Newcastle Harbour to destinations such as Hinton, Seaham and Paterson were popular. Steamboats of various shapes and sizes (including at least one retired Sydney Harbour ferry) took hundreds of passengers at a time on picnics, hikes and cruises. One of the boats was the Guthrey, (referred to as a "funny" vessel in this post: https://www.phototimetunnel.com/the-german-sailor-the-tailors-daughter-and-the-tragic-white-wife-of-otterswick The Guthrey on Newcastle Harbour, circa 1910. Courtesy Bill Ruddick. The Guthrey on Newcastle Harbour, circa 1910. The Guthrey (left) and the Shamrock at Newcastle, circa 1910. The day after…

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