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Digital image library and store, online bookstore and home of Greg Ray’s blogs

Licence historical images for your project or business...

Illustrations for books, exhibitions, murals, posters, prospectuses, annual reports

Militaria, aviation, Hunter Region and Newcastle, Australiana, transport, rail, tramways, glamour, vintage artwork, aerial photographs, shipping, sporting, personalities, mining and industry. Special collections include negatives and transparencies from our Ken Magor and Ron and Liz Morrison archives…

Greg & Sylvia


Greg Ray was a journalist at the Newcastle Herald from 1984 to 2015, during which time he covered many of the paper’s reporting rounds, won numerous awards and was twice a finalist in the national Walkley Awards.
Sylvia Ray has an honours degree in fine arts from the University of Newcastle. She is interested in various branches of art, including photography, ceramics and print-making and is a frequent contributor to exhibitions. She has a strong interest in Arts-Health.

Greg and Sylvia have been married since 1989 and they have three children. Since 2010 Greg and Sylvia have collaborated on 14 books of collected historical photographs of Newcastle and the Hunter.


Greg and Sylvia Ray’s books of historical photographs of Newcastle NSW and the Hunter Region have brought back memories of times past to thousands of people since the series began in 2010 with the best-selling Newcastle, The Missing Years. 

Since then, the couple has acquired a large library of images, mostly depicting the Hunter Region but also other parts of Australia and the world.  

Greg and Sylvia launched this website as an online shop for their books and as a platform to display and market images and other material from their collections. 

It is planned to steadily upload images and articles on a variety of related topics in the months and years to come. 

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  • 30% discount on books, photos & more
  • Access to special offers
  • Subscriber-only content on two blogs
  • FREE BOOK for new subscribers paying one year in advance* posted anywhere in Australia
  • Support a grassroots, husband-and-wife team that preserves/interprets historical material.

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Hand-picked vintage artworks...

Pulp art, vintage and antique engravings, posters, vintage games, cards and curious images…

History blog

Search Greg Ray’s long back catalogue of articles on historical subjects…

Latest from Greg Ray’s Writing

Greg Ray's writing

Read Greg’s quirky ponderings and commentary on his personal blog…

Did you know...

we also buy interesting photographs, negatives and collections?
© 2021 PhotoTimeTunnel ~ Greg and Sylvia Ray ~ Admin
