© 2018 Greg & Sylvia RAY
Read more about the article Of corner stores and ballet schools
Delma Jones (nee Herd) with her photo album

Of corner stores and ballet schools

When Delma Jones (nee Herd) fell down some stairs at age three, it set the scene for a lifetime love of dancing. The fall was followed by a mysterious case of juvenile arthritis: mysterious because it involved painless swelling of her leg, later followed by similar problems with her other limbs and joints. Doctors put her in a splint but couldn't get to the bottom of the problem. Eventually one specialist suggested the youngster take up ballet as therapy. She was signed up with noted Hamilton ballet teacher Jessie Brownlie. From the start, ballet captured Delma's…

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Read more about the article The curse of the peacemakers
Photo at right, of Yitzhak Rabin's funeral, from Noa Ben Artzi-Pelossof's book (left)

The curse of the peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. Matthew 5:9 In his sermon on the mount, Jesus Christ offered his blessing to peacemakers. Unfortunately, most of humanity - including most nominal Christians - have never got the memo. Advocating for peace in a world dominated by territorial, tribally oriented, heavily armed and trigger-happy people is a thankless, dangerous task. As far as modern nation-states and those who run them are concerned, external enemies come and go, but peacemakers are always high on the hit-list - often literally. For the most part, "peace"…

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Read more about the article Twist of fate for the old man of the street
A 2009 photo of Alwyn, before we knew his name. Photo by Phil Voysey.

Twist of fate for the old man of the street

For years I watched him wander the streets of Newcastle. He was old, small and stooped. He was unshaven, unkempt, grimy and ragged. He wore dark trousers and a dark hooded jacket that covered his head. As days and weeks passed his trousers seemed to practically erode from his body, becoming more and more tattered until eventually they were nothing but strips of rag hanging from a waistband. Every now and then he would vanish from the streets for a day or two before re-appearing in a new outfit when the process would begin again. Most…

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