© 2018 Greg & Sylvia RAY

Hypocracy as a form of government

The imprisonment, torture and slow-motion state-sanctioned murder of truth-telling Australian journalist Julian Assange is a live demonstration of the depths to which Western so-called "democracies" have sunk. Hypocrisy is now such an emblem of their everyday behaviour that I propose renaming their systems of rule as "hypocracy". Today, for example (June 1, 2023) I read in my daily news "feed" that the United States military is so troubled by allegations of war crimes committed by Australian troops in Afghanistan that US forces might be prevented from working with the accused unit - the Australian Special Air…

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Donald MacRae, brave Newcastle harbour master

Captain Donald MacRae, former harbour master of the Port of Newcastle, Australia, was credited in some quarters with being the last Allied serviceman to be evacuated after the failed British invasion attempt at Gallipoli, Turkey, in World War 1. His long career was punctuated by acts of great bravery. He died and was cremated in 1963 and his ashes remained among the possessions of his son-in-law until 2015, when some of his grandchildren scattered them off Big Ben Reef, Newcastle, the scene of one of his famous rescues. In 2023 those grandchildren fixed a plaque at…

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Read more about the article A serf’s guide to feudalism
Serfs paying up. From northumberlandarchives.com

A serf’s guide to feudalism

Feudalism is back in fashion. With that in mind, here's a handy rhetorical rough guide for beginner serfs. While nobody can teach you to serf, history can be a guide, showing you what to expect. Once you get started who knows? Maybe it won't seem so strange after all. A serf's role in a feudal system is simple. The serf is granted access to a small piece of somebody else’s productive resource on condition they use it to generate a surplus for the owner. In return they may retain a portion of their production for their…

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