© 2018 Greg & Sylvia RAY
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Photo by Ron Morrison.

A dip in the shark tank

July 24, 2021 Opinion by Greg Ray IF you were a little confused by the recent Federal Court decision on the legality of the NSW Government’s penalty clauses preventing the Port of Newcastle competing with Sydney for container traffic, then you aren’t alone. I’m a little confused too. I hope I’m not in contempt of court when I say I find it surprising to read the statement by Justice Jagot that “No private operator of the Port of Newcastle, acting rationally, could have satisfied itself that in the reasonably foreseeable future a container terminal at the…

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From Julian to Barnaby, and points between

June 30, 2021 Opinion by Greg Ray. All praise the Member for Rinehart Thanks to Peter Lewis for this lifelike portrait of Barnaby and friend Oh Barnaby. If the National Party is the tail that wags the Coalition dog, then where on the tail do we find Barnaby Joyce? At the head of the tail, of course. You might need to draw a picture to locate that precisely. But really, all you need to know about the Nationals in this day and age is that they are a shady rump of the former Country Party, still…

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