© 2018 Greg & Sylvia RAY

The Catterthun sinking at Seal Rocks, NSW

The loss of the SS Catterthun off Seal Rocks, NSW, in August 1895 is a story that has captured many imaginations. Thousands of gold sovereigns, en route to China, went to the bottom, ensuring the wreck has remained a magnet for treasure-hunters. When I read contemporaneous press accounts of the disaster I'm struck by the terrible fate of so many of the passengers - especially the women and children - and can't help wondering whether some of the ship's officers and crew might have done more to help save more lives. "Don't panic": fatal advice The…

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Velocipedia: some ancestors of the bicycle

It was 1868, and the pages of the monthly publication The English Mechanic were about to be deluged with correspondence from inventors keen to create a perfect personal transport machine. The rise of the middle classes, the spread of technical education and the increase in literacy created a large pool of would-be inventors who shared their ideas – good, bad and indifferent – in cheap specialized journals and through “mechanics’ institutes”. An 1869 issue of The English Mechanic, featuring a velocipede. Author's collection. Up until then, horses and horse-drawn vehicles had been the main form of…

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On ya bike! A gallery of bicycle pictures

Bicycles are a common motif in many collections of old photos. In the 1800s "velocipedes" were an exciting innovation, with inventors of all stripes applying their fertile brains to create a self-powered, non-polluting alternative to the horse for personal transport. After many strange experiments, the conventional bicycle emerged in, more or less, the form we know it today. Here are some examples of early ideas from inventive correspondents to 1860s issues of the magazine The English Mechanic and Mirror of Science (scanned from my collection). Many strange experiments with velocipedes. During the first half of the…

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