© 2018 Greg & Sylvia RAY

Museum excursion to Port Stephens, 1880

Leafing through old newspapers often yields interesting material, some of it relevant to the Hunter Region of NSW where I live. The following two-part article is a good example. It provides an interesting account of a sea journey from Sydney to Port Stephens in 1880, purportedly to gather specimens for the Australian Museum. The author - who also did some sketches which are reproduced as engravings - describes a new fish-processing enterprise, the inner lighthouse and telegraph station and the down-at-heel city of Newcastle. It's also a rather bloodthirsty account, since the members of the expedition…

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Dulcie Hartley’s memories of the Depression

Some years ago my late dear friend Dulcie Hartley shared these memories of the Great Depression with me. Dulcie was an amateur historian with wide-ranging interests. She wrote a number of very good books. Her Depression recollections are so interesting I'd like to share them more widely. Thanks to Dulcie's daughter Venessa for her help. My birth in January 1929 heralded the onset of a most disastrous year for the Goddard family. An unplanned addition, I joined my eight year old sister Vera and completed the family group. During the same year my father, Sidney Goddard,…

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Nobbys sunset 2017 by Mark Goolmeer

Newcastle by Itself, 2000 – 2020

WHEN 2020 began with a storm of anxiety about fires, drought and the global pandemic, we found ourselves locked down and wondering what sort of book we should create this year. Sylvia had been talking for some time about putting together a book of contributed digital images - ever since a discussion about the potentially transient nature of digital data compared with the relative durability of old-school photographic negatives. I mean, in theory, digital data might seem more durable, but hard-drive failures, flash memory corruption and outright technological change suggests the opposite may be the case.…

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