© 2018 Greg & Sylvia RAY

Why is war the answer to every question?

Humanity is confronting a global pandemic, climate change, horrendous inequality in resource allocation, pollution, an energy crisis and a massive wave of species extinction. Every alarm in the building is ringing. The clock says it’s a minute to midnight. Sick and frightened, we look to our governments and our leaders for help and guidance. And their answer is? War. War now, war tomorrow and more war after that. The Titanic is sinking, so let’s just fight over the deckchairs, shall we? Idiots. You could go out today and pick 50 random people from different countries around…

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Photo by Andre Klimke on Unsplash

Leaving a sandy quagmire, until next time

“What’s the point of having this superb military you’re always talking about if we can’t use it?”Madeleine Albright, US ambassador to the UN, 1993 August 18, 2021 Opinion by Greg Ray All these wars, and little to show for them but pain, hatred and ruin. And yet it never stops. Is it a grand plan, pushing over dominoes until the armies of global finance reach the gates of Moscow and Beijing? Is it keeping afloat the vampire zombie weapons industry? Is it mighty egos flexing their biceps to impress the world? We are told it's about…

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